**originally published by Distrikt Magazine 02/2006**
Most scientists agree in that global warming is happening at top speed, but if you work with it and use it effectively, more power to you. What is global warming? If you don’t know, you are decades behind and your ignorance can get you in big trouble. Wikipedia’s definition of global warming, “It’s an increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans.” What this means is that changes are occurring and they will affect people and the environment. The atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and CH4 have increased by 31% and 149% each, since 1750. It sounds serious, and it is. Now the good news: A tree called leucaena, a Central American company claims, can impound carbon dioxide (CO2). It’s time to find solutions, and perform experiments to retrieve other alternatives. For example, start planning for Solar cells, hydropower, wind power, and nuclear power.
There are many people preparing and doing something in pro of climate changes. According to a recent New York Times magazine article, a professor in Columbia University is working on a structure that will take carbon dioxide from the air and capture it. But also, we have learned that Europe is way ahead in the designing aspect; for example, architects in Amsterdam are creating floating houses, offices and stadiums. It sounds pessimistic but they are preparing in case the Netherlands inundate. In Bulgaria, 12 joint projects with industrialized nations aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. And, K. Eric Drexler says, nanomachines could be used to reverse global warming, in his book “Engines of Creation”.
About 40 developed nations have decided to cut emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2 percent by the year 2012, according to the U.N’s Kyoto protocol. To begin with, let’s give a big round of applause and standing ovation to the states that agreed to do their part in cutting carbon dioxide emissions: Vermont, New York, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, New Hampshire and New Jersey. You guys rock! Rhode Island and Massachusetts, we hope, will join the cause too. The U.S Department of Energy reported that the greenhouse gas emissions increased 2% last year, which translates to an additional 130 million metric tons of pollution into our atmosphere. Very high.
What can we do? Simple steps that should become a habit in our lives, you already should know about the 3R’s, from our previous feature in Distrikt: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle; now listen to these:
Consider a fuel-smart car: They are stylish, practical and save money.
Give your car a day off: Hitchhike or share a ride.
Insulate your home: Watch your bills go lower at the same time.
Go solar: It’s energy and from a free source, the sun. Encourage your utility to help: Call up and ask them to care!
Get involved at work: Share your concern with others and entice them.
Join an EPA program such as ENERGY STAR ®. It can’t hurt to find out more.
Plant trees: Do it as a family adventure, a gift for a relative, or just for fun.
Educate others: No matter how, education is always a positive thing.