By Alfonso Corona
We might be tired or confused about time/space theories that we’ve seen in all sorts of weird and not so weird stories about the past and future, but there’s one in particular that attracts me the most because it’s scientifically possible and so far, un-refuted.
This theory talks about viewing the past of our planet or other planets....Yes! you read right and let me explain how this can be possible...
Fact: All of the objects we see here in our planet or in space we can see because they reflect light. This light is ‘produced’ by a star near them, like it happens with our solar system and our planets.
In the first place, what we see through a telescope in other planets and stars is only their past.... some of these objects might not even exist anymore and we still see them. Talk about eerie!
This past that we’re talking about can be hundreds or thousands of years old depending on the distance between them and us. This happens because of the time that it takes the light from these planets to travel to Earth to be ’viewed’ by us through a telescope or in some cases through the naked eye, as it happens with the moon. Light travels at a speed of 300,000 Km per second or about 186000 Miles per second. Although this speed sounds really fast, in space it is not, specially if you realize that it takes about 8 minutes for our sunlight to reach Earth. This means that if the sun explodes right now, we would find out 8 minutes later.... this is because it takes this amount of time for the light, and in this case the explosion, to travel in space and get to our planet.
Now imagine a planet that is just a bit far, lets say 40, 60 or 500 light years away from us; this means that if you’re traveling at the speed of light, it will take you 40, 60 or 500 years to get there.... by the way, right now with our technology, it can take us almost 3 years to get to Mars which is only ‘a planet away’ from us.... so imagine how far the rest of the universe is.
Let’s use an example: we’re sitting on a planet on November 22nd, it is located at exactly 43 light years from Earth (there’s no planet that close to us but let’s take this example), there’s our good friend Kuma Distrikt with a mega powerful telescope inviting us for lunch. Then, Kuma Distrikt finds our mighty planet Earth and points this super telescope to Dallas, Texas (Home of the Dallas Cowboys) the same way we point to the moon’s craters.

If this happens, we can watch for a couple of minutes and be an instant witness of the day, time and place that JFK was murdered in Dallas, TX 43 years ago.
This is because the light travels almost indefinitely in space and if you’re in the other end, you’re watching a reflection that has been ‘traveling’ for a long time now. It sounds amazing doesn’t it?
Can you imagine the rest of the possibilities for this theory? Not any practical ones because of the technology that we have nowadays, but this is a fun and real scientific theory.... if you can think about other interesting events that took place outdoors that might be worth to take a look at, please let me know and if you didn’t understand what I just wrote, also let me know and I’ll be happy to explain it in some other way.... but for now Kuma Distrikt and I have to eat our lunch because it’s getting cold...thanks for reading !