By Shankar
Now that we’re talking about food: what happens when provisions are consumed to keep our body and organs alive and functioning?
This is almost like a computer or a TV -without electricity they’re just a piece of plastic and metal, but if you put electricity in them you can actually create a whole magazine like Distrikt; with no need for a paper-printed proof to see how the colors and excellent graphic design will look like once it reaches your hands...sorry about ‘the jerkiness’.
Anyway, the same happens with food; the difference is that our body can also do the whole food-energy conversion thing.
What happens when you suddenly unplug or turn off the TV or computer? If you’re in a dark room you’ll often see that a glow remains in the device screen for some minutes until it is completely discharged or ‘dissolved’ in the environment, joining the other magnetic/electric fields that surround us - that can sometimes cause cancer or other ill things.
In my theory, if you suddenly ‘unplug’ or ‘turn off’ a person, the same thing can happen to their energy, it can ‘glow’ for a certain amount of time until it dissolves or is reabsorbed by other energy of its kind. This energy can definitely have the same shape and size of the container where it was contained (in this case the human body where it belonged).
This is basically what spiritual life calls “Soul” -but let’s not go in this direction today, since almost every religion-extremist or Rock-fan might get excited!
Nowadays some of us think that this power is the same kind of energy, or the same ‘being’, that keeps the universe -and all living creatures- (including humans) moving. The cycle includes: being born, growing, reproducing and dying in perfect harmony (regardless of what we might think about ourselves and the anti-harmony state we sometimes generate).
Let’s just pretend that there’s a place where this ‘device’ keeps full energy (like the one that you require to live, breathe, move, create, write and read, but also to store images, memories and sounds) inside a gray squashy ball of meat. This stored energy is working every day to keep all parts of the container (human body) functional and to prevent its decomposition as it happens when a body is unplugged.
Can this energy remain within for a while before it is dissipated or reabsorbed? How long does it take for this energy to be dissipated if no common energy sources are around to reab- sorb it? Let’s say this happens inside an abandoned house or a specific place where other energy shares the same structure and stays for a while.... Einstein said that time is relative.... I bet we all know this for sure.

Do you think this physics rule is also possible in this context? After all, a very small period of time is the only thing anyone has when a person looses a part of his or her body (finger or leg for example) before it starts to decompose and dies.
As persons, we can definitely feel a good vibe or harmonic energy -or the lack thereof, from a certain space or person; but we don’t have a ‘vibe meter’ yet -like we do with electricity and watts- other than our perception or sixth sense.
We do have certain disciplines that ‘use’ the human body to store and re-apply this energy but in my experience, our body can usually be a 1984 Commodore, regardless of how good you are doing Reiki or other energy conducting techniques.
If this energy can be measured in some way, some day we might be able to store it, and after a certain time re-apply it effectively in some places or specific situations or organs. This way, we could finally find the secrets and composition of this mysterious ‘whole’ that fills us; obtaining perhaps a possible window of opportunity, if we get to know this energy in depth, which will answer the biggest of all questions: Why are we here?
If you find a good place where the good vibes are a permanent guest, please share it with us! Thanks for reading.