**originally published by Distrikt Magazine 02/2006**
Perhaps you are one of those people who dress in black to feel cool, or in white to feel pure. Well, your idea is not at all wrong. Color Theraphy (Chromotherapy) is widely used by alternative medicine in the world. What color does is, it balances your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental energy through the use of tools such as gemstones, wands, candles, bath treatments, smells, and even colored glasses. Studies have found that each individual responds to color and light differently, once you know which colors affect you favorably, then your healing journey begins. Chromotherapy has been used for many years but it became popular in 1878, when Dr. Edwin D. Babbitt published Principles of Light and Color.
Color does play an important role in how one feels. The way Rev. Stefanidakis explains, “The aura is an effect – an outward expression – of that which is taking place within the mind, the soul, and the spirit of the individual.” So in other words, chromotherapy can be implemented in various ways to heal a person and provide an energy boost.
In a very summarized way, here is an example of what colors do for our pains, our life and our chakras:
Red: Also known as, “The Great Energizer” causes release of adrenalin, which results in greater strength, increased energy and body temperature. Maybe that’s why bulls are attracted to red.
Orange: Also known as “The Wisdom Ray”, has a freeing effect on the body and mind. It mixes mental insight with physical energy, because it’s a blend of red and yellow. It links to the sacral chakra.
Yellow: An excellent choice of color to strengthen the mind and the nerves as it awakens inspiration. It’s supposed to aid liver, stomach and skin conditions.
Green: The universal healing color because is midway in the color spectrum; containing equal balance in a physical and spiritual nature. It’s also the color of nature and earth and stimulates the heart chakra. It energizes and soothes equally. You can never go wrong with green.
Blue: Is generally associated with the throat chakra, which affects the center of expression –communication-. It’s a cool astringent color also indicating loyalty as in the term, ‘true blue’.
Indigo: Is the color that controls the brow chakra, where the third eye is located. It’s considered the ray of the Holy Spirit.
Violet: The color of the divine Spirit. It is linked to the crown chakra to help expand your understanding and nourish your brain. It’s only related to spiritual problems.
White: Is a symbol for perfect harmony as it is full of color. It’s considered the light of consciousness, or Divine Light. According to experts, it’s the perfect color. Perhaps that is why we say, white wedding, white Christmas, etc.
In chromotherapy, ways to provide healing involve the visualization of colors, color water healing, radiant color magnetism, and of course, choosing the correct colors in your surroundings to determine your mood. Even eating certain colored food can stimulate your energy. I hear Broccoli might be good for you... I hear that all the time, don’t you? Eat your greens!
Other known chromotherapies are, Aura-Soma (Eastern-influenced therapy that uses colored essential oils to reveal a person’s “true inner self”) and Esogetic Colorpuncture Therapy (ECT), which basically consists of treating health problems, such as migraines, placing colored light on acupuncture points. The way color therapies work is by electromagnetic waves of energy that convert into impulses and trigger the discharge of hormones. Have you heard the one about lack of sunlight causing depression on people? Well, it’s due to the lack of light, which has a deep effect on people’s behavior, motivation, etc.
Believe it or not, the effect of colors is not merely psychological. As a matter of fact, have you ever tried sleeping for a few days in a black room? Red increases blood pressure while blue decreases it, and studies say you don’t have to be staring at the color to feel the change. For starters, remember that warm colors are yellow, red, magenta, and brown; the cool ones are violet, blue, green, and grey. Also, you must remember to cover your walls in soft, pastel shades, which indicate a positive condition; dark and murky shades (not necessarily colors) tend to be associated with negative conditions. If you want peace of mind, don’t press hard on the paintbrush in your room!
Fresh and dried plant materials and pure essential oils may be used for your self-made chromotherapy.
RED - bergamot, mint, orange PINK - costmary, calendula, rose ORANGE - basil, jasmine, clary sage YELLOW - neroli, lavender, saffron GREEN - freesia, gardenia, meadowsweet TURQUOISE - woodruff, rose, plumeria BLUE - camomile, hops, lily of the valley INDIGO, VIOLET, AND PURPLE - lemongrass, stephanotis, ylang-ylang MAGENTA - vanilla, carnation, sweet pea WHITE - clove juniper, myrrh BLACK - geranium, vetivert, basil GREY - fennel, thyme, yarrow SILVER - nutmeg, vanilla, lilac GOLD - patchouly, basil, sweet pea BROWN - clove, yarrow, water lily