Welcome to another edition of Echo, where we gather the most interesting quotes from sources such as: Associated Press, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, CNN, MSNBC, Reuters, New York Times, IMDB, and foreign press. The word is mightier than the sword, always.
1. “Spain is the country where we have the most vices, where people drink most, where they smoke most, where you go to most parties. That’s just typical Spain.”
30-year-old jewelry designer, Josefina Suarez, on the law passed by Spain aiming to reduce cigarette smoking in public.
2. “This great city will rise again”
President george Bush, on new orleans rebuilding, days after katrina struck.
3. “The era of finding isolated tribal groups is probably over.”
Dr. fratkin, a professor at Smith College who has lived with the Ariaal for long stretches and is regarded by some of them as a member of the tribe.
4. Have you ever tripped on acid and listened to music?
that’s for another interview. [imitating a preacher] got to stay clean here, brother!
Rolling Stone interview on Academy Award winner, Jamie foxx
5. “You can make me go to bed, but you can’t
make me go to sleep. It’s my brain!”
6-year-old Max Bloom, son of paul Bloom, a professor of psychology at yale university and author of “Is god an Accident”.
6. “I remember how it fucking smelled. And that shit blew my little mind wide open. I became so obsessed with the Beatles from the age of six until the age of ten or eleven. I used to jump off my roof and try to say all their names before I hit the ground. I only did it a couple of times. It hurt.”
Dave Matthews on the Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour
7. “I’m the guy you’re looking for”
Fire fiend peter Braunstein, before stabbing himself in the neck on a Tennessee college campus, in front of armed cops.
8. “It’s a historic process because (Evo) is the first indigenous candidate to be ahead in an election. But his ideas are too radical for a developing country.”
Javier pacheco, a 34-year-old Bolivian architect- on who would he vote for.
9. “That’s not going to stop Mexican migration. More lives will be endangered but filtration will continue.”
Jose puente, political consultant of Braceroproa, an organization that represents Mexican ex-braceros - on the possible creation of walls on the borders between Mexico and the u.S.A.