by Vanessa De La Rue
What would happen if you knew that there is someone or something that can examine every single bug/microbe/germ that harms your body? Are you willing to enhance your physical condition without pharmaceuticals? The use of magnets for healing purposes (magnotherapy) exists since about 3,000 years ago in China. Here in the West it has been accepted recently as a valuable and inoffensive aid for pains and various illnesses and conditions.
Magnets are objects that produce some type of energy called magnetic fields and although there is no scientific evidence to prove it, it is known to help the blood stream helping circulation of oxygen and removing toxins, assisting in the healthy development of new cells and increasing the capacity of auto- healing. It is also known for its ability to reduce lactic acids just as if you were doing exercises;balancing the levels of alkaline and acidity in your body and organs.
This last part (alkaline v. acidity) is a very interesting topic. According to my magnotherapy doctor in Mexico, all illnesses arise from bacteria, viruses, germs and other microorganisms that settle in different organs causing the pH of each one to unbalance. When the magnets are positioned on different parts of the body, the organs are neutralized to an optimal level, killing these microorganisms. Sometimes it takes several sessions to achieve this because some of these little bugs are very stubborn. In my experience, the result is a complete improvement in problems such as gastritis, colitis, throat pains, cough and symptoms that are not yet a disease but that could probably become with time. So, it’s not only curative but also preventive. I used to call my doctor, “El exterminador de las bacterias!.”
Some scientific reports give proof that magnets have an effect on saline solutions (blood is basically a saline solution). Maybe this is why thousands of people in the world talk about the benefits of magnets. Something important to mention is that there has never been adverse side effects demonstrated. Each day, famous and non-famous people discover that in this practice if it doesn’t compliment you it won’t hurt you either. Of course, talk to your doctor about it.
There are two kinds of magnotherapy: One that is used in conventional medicine under the supervision of an authorized person which through electromagnets you get help in accelerating the healing process of fractures.
The other one –the one referring to in this article- is used in alternative medicine where the static magnets are applied directly over the skin to treat multiple aches, pains and disorders.
Even though it’s very possible that magnotherapy is effective, like in my own case, Distrikt recommends that you consult an expert before changing your current treatment for alternative medicine, each person is unique and our bodies respond differently to the same stimulus.