By Isa Traverso-Burger
Photos: Alfonso Corona
Shakira has made the shaking of the ass extremely
popular but this traditional body movement that
uses every muscle group of the body is not a one
woman’s dance, -men do it too. Places like Egypt,
Turkey, Lebanon, and Arabic countries have practiced
Raqs Sharqi (belly dancing) for centuries.
According to some, the most admired dancers are
the ones able to express their emotions through
the simplicity of movements connected to rhythm
and performance. The practice is beneficial for the
body and the mind, it’s a cardiovascular workout
that builds strength, improves self-esteem and
creates a better image. Some evidence suggests
that belly dancing’s hip-circling movements can
aid a woman during childbirth discomforts; not to
mention that sixty minutes of dancing can burn
330 calories.

Bozenka, which means ‘touched by God’, is a voluptuous,
tall, fair-skin woman who comes from a Cuban-
Czech heritage. Through her passion for belly dancing
she inspires people around the world to experience this
magnificent performing art. She lives in Miami where she
trained at The Mid Eastern Dance Exchange under the
leadership of Tamalyn Dallal. Two years later she earned
the prestigious Miss America of Bellydance title thanks to
her elegant and earthy charisma.
As if that was an indication of her future, Bozenka took the
enthusiasm to heart and kept focusing on a gift she obviously
has. A couple of months ago CNN reported, “An
American Belly Dancer has taken the Egyptian crown!”
after Bozenka, with her unique grace, beat 150 dancers
from all over the world in the “Ahlan Wa Sahlan” dance
festival in Cairo, Egypt.
Now a Bellydance Superstar, Bozenka continues to flourish
and demonstrate her spirit through the unspoken communication
of body movement. She has choreographed
for the Latin pop star mentioned in the first paragraph famous
for shaking her booty, performed with Alabina, and
entertained celebrities like Sean Connery, Donald Trump,
Hugh Hefner, Madonna, and Enrique Iglesias. With motivation
that impregnates all who attend, and with her characteristic
fervent technique, she is an admired instructor
in this Oriental dance form.
Bozenka says: